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    “Crazy About You” is a heartfelt yet bizarre comedy about the renowned neurologist and founder of psychoanalysis. Written by William Cane, the play follows the true story of a surgery that went horribly wrong. 

​    “Crazy About You” opens at The Producers Club, located at 358 W. 44th St., on Dec. 5.



Sigmund Freud - Stephen Carter Carlsen 

Anna Freud - Chloe Himmelman

Wilhelm Fliess - Samuel Keran

Emma Eckstein - Bella Naso

Sandor Ferenczi - Royce Johnson

Marie Bonaparte - Jessi Bushman

The Unconscious, Wilhelm Reich - Michael Shapiro


Playwright, Director - Michael Christian

Associate Producer - Jesse Kaplan

Executive Producer - James Bastone

Set Designer - Katie Citti

Wardrobe Designer - Tingyu Hu

Choreographer - Aislinn O'Connell

Stage Manager - Caroline Armour

Assistant Stage Manager - Aahana Kode

Lighting Designer - Jim DeLois 

Repertory Company: 

Actress - Robin Brenner

Videographer - Jacky Chang

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